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postgresql query to find duplicate indexes

postgresql query to find duplicate indexes published on Комментариев к записи postgresql query to find duplicate indexes нет
SELECT sub.table, pg_size_pretty(SUM(pg_relation_size(idx))::BIGINT) AS SIZE,
     (array_agg(idx))[1] AS idx1, (array_agg(idx))[2] AS idx2,
     (array_agg(idx))[3] AS idx3, (array_agg(idx))[4] AS idx4 
            FROM (  SELECT indrelid::regclass as table,indexrelid::regclass AS idx, (indrelid::text ||E'\n'|| indclass::text ||E'\n'|| indkey::text ||E'\n'|| 
                    COALESCE(indexprs::text,'')||E'\n' || COALESCE(indpred::text,'')) AS KEY 
                    FROM pg_index
                     where  pg_relation_size(indexrelid::regclass)>100*1024*1024 ) sub 
GROUP BY sub.table, KEY HAVING COUNT(*)>1 
ORDER BY SUM(pg_relation_size(idx)) DESC;

sample output

       table       |  size  |            idx1             |                idx2                | idx3 | idx4
 mdm_record_column | 797 MB | mdm_record_column_column_fk | mdm_record_column_record_fk        |      |
 fin_bill_generate | 300 MB | fin_bill_generate_fk        | fin_bill_generate_spec_item_id_idx |      |

also usefull to look at usage stat on this indexes

    relid::regclass AS table, 
    indexrelid::regclass AS index, 
    pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(indexrelid::regclass)) AS index_size, 
    pg_get_indexdef(pg_index.indexrelid) as indexdef
    JOIN pg_index USING (indexrelid) 
     (relid::regclass)::text ='mdm_record_column' order by idx_scan desc ;

       table       |              index              | index_size | idx_tup_read | idx_tup_fetch | idx_scan |                                         indexdef
 mdm_record_column | mdm_record_column_record_fk     | 399 MB     |       758024 |        758024 |     2992 | CREATE INDEX mdm_record_column_record_fk ON mdm_record_column USING btree (column_id)
 mdm_record_column | mdm_record_column_record_id_idx | 399 MB     |         1922 |          1922 |      442 | CREATE INDEX mdm_record_column_record_id_idx ON mdm_record_column USING btree (record_id)
 mdm_record_column | mdm_record_column_pk            | 399 MB     |            0 |             0 |        0 | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX mdm_record_column_pk ON mdm_record_column USING btree (id)
 mdm_record_column | mdm_record_column_column_fk     | 399 MB     |            0 |             0 |        0 | CREATE INDEX mdm_record_column_column_fk ON mdm_record_column USING btree (column_id)

PgSQL Indexes and “LIKE”

PgSQL Indexes and “LIKE” published on Комментариев к записи PgSQL Indexes and “LIKE” нет

Original from Paul Ramsey

Hi all, because English is not my native language, that’s why I will write as little as possible =)
here is the case, when we write a query with like and get Seq Scan (full table scan), instead index scan this material can be usefull for you

create table tt as   select s, md5(random()::text) from generate_Series(1,990000) s;
 create index on tt(md5);

 explain analyze select * from tt where md5 like 'a6b90b58a652b8e1bd01bbe2%';
                                               QUERY PLAN
 Seq Scan on tt  (cost=0.00..20625.00 rows=4950 width=36) (actual time=132.559..132.559 rows=0 loops=1)
   Filter: (md5 ~~ 'a6b90b58a652b8e1bd01bbe2%'::text)
   Rows Removed by Filter: 990000
 Planning time: 0.203 ms
 Execution time: 132.583 ms

if we create same index but with text_pattern_ops we can get good improvement:

 create index on tt(md5 text_pattern_ops);

 explain analyze select * from tt where md5 like 'a6b90b58a652b8e1bd01bbe2%';
                                                    QUERY PLAN
 Index Scan using tt_md5_idx1 on tt  (cost=0.42..8.45 rows=99 width=37) (actual time=0.022..0.022 rows=0 loops=1)
   Index Cond: ((md5 >= 'a6b90b58a652b8e1bd01bbe2'::text) AND (md5 < 'a6b90b58a652b8e1bd01bbe3'::text))
   Filter: (md5 ~~ 'a6b90b58a652b8e1bd01bbe2%'::text)
 Planning time: 0.403 ms
 Execution time: 0.043 ms

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