To set the operating system user for a PDB:
1. Log in to the root as a user and execute the DBMS_CREDENTIAL.CREATE_CREDENTIAL procedure to create an Oracle credential for the $user operating system user:
begin DBMS_CREDENTIAL.CREATE_CREDENTIAL (credential_name => 'CDB1_PDBSW_BUSH' , username =>'bush' , password => 'passwd'); end; / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
2. Connect to the PDB to set the PDB_OS_CREDENTIAL to the new credential:
11:18:46 (1)[CDB$ROOT]sys@orcl> alter session set container=SW; 11:19:00 (1)[SW]sys@orcl> ALTER SYSTEM SET PDB_OS_CREDENTIAL=CDB1_PDBSW_BUSH SCOPE=spfile;
3. Restart the CDB instance.
4. Test the connection as bush:
$ sqlplus sys@pdb1 as sysdba
not working =(
Per feedback by the Multitenant team:
Not functional in Oracle
May be functional with a future PSU allwoing then OS user verfication/validation for PDBs