script to monitor status of full and inc backup
select * from ( select OBJECT_TYPE,case when OBJECT_TYPE='DB FULL' and max (START_TIME) < TRUNC (SYSDATE - 7) then max (START_TIME) || ' DB FULL BACKUP is too old' when OBJECT_TYPE='DB INCR' and max (START_TIME) < TRUNC (SYSDATE - 1) then max (START_TIME) || ' DB INC BACKUP is too old' else null end as backup_status from V$RMAN_STATUS where OBJECT_TYPE ='DB FULL' or OBJECT_TYPE='DB INCR' group by OBJECT_TYPE ) pivot (max (backup_status) for OBJECT_TYPE in ('DB INCR','DB FULL') ) union all SELECT rs.STATUS||':'|| rs.operation ||' '|| rs.OBJECT_TYPE ||':'|| rs.END_TIME , ro.output FROM V$RMAN_STATUS rs join v$rman_output ro on rs.RECID=ro.RMAN_STATUS_RECID WHERE START_TIME > TRUNC (SYSDATE - 1) and status not in ( 'COMPLETED','RUNNING') group by rs.STATUS||':'|| rs.operation ||' '|| rs.OBJECT_TYPE ||':'|| rs.END_TIME , ro.output;