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oracle restart single change hostname

oracle restart single change hostname published on Комментариев к записи oracle restart single change hostname нет


$ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl -I $ORACLE_HOME/perl/lib -I $ORACLE_HOME/crs/install $ORACLE_HOME/crs/install/ -deconfig -force


$ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl -I $ORACLE_HOME/perl/lib -I $ORACLE_HOME/crs/install $ORACLE_HOME/crs/install/

add resources
change hostname in

grid user

srvctl add listener
srvctl add asm -d '/dev/oracleasm/disks/*'

srvctl start asm
srvctl start listener

oracle user:

srvctl add database -d $ORACLE_SID -o $ORACLE_HOME

find current effective hidden param

find current effective hidden param published on Комментариев к записи find current effective hidden param нет
col PARAMETER format a20
col SESSION_VALUE format a20
col INSTANCE_VALUE format a20
col DEFAULT_VALUE format a20
col DESCRIPTION format a100
select a.ksppinm as Parameter,
b.ksppstvl Session_Value, 
c.ksppstvl Instance_Value ,
b.ksppstdf Default_value,
decode(bitand(a.ksppiflg/256,3),1, 'True', 'False') SESSMOD,
decode(bitand(a.ksppiflg/65536,3),1,'IMMEDIATE',2,'DEFERRED',3,'IMMEDIATE','FALSE') SYSMOD,
a.ksppdesc Description 
from sys.x$ksppi a, sys.x$ksppcv b , sys.x$ksppsv c where a.indx = b.indx and a.indx = c.indx
and REGEXP_LIKE (ksppinm, '^\_[^\_]')
and lower(b.ksppstdf) !='true' 
order by a.ksppinm;

script to analyze partition tables data distribution

script to analyze partition tables data distribution published on Комментариев к записи script to analyze partition tables data distribution нет
select table_owner||'.'||table_name,partition_name,100* (round (num_rows/ case when
        sum(num_rows) over( partition by table_name) >0 then sum(num_rows) over( partition by table_name)
        else 1
        ,3)) as pct_of_rows
        ,num_rows, sum(num_rows) over( partition by table_name)  total_row_cnt
        from dba_tab_partitions
    where table_name in 
    ( select table_name from DBA_PART_TABLES dpt where dpt.owner not like 'SYS%' and dpt.interval is null  and dpt.partitioning_type like '%RANGE%' ) 
order by 1,3 desc nulls last;

TABLE_NAME                               | PARTITION_NAME                 | PCT_OF_ROWS |   NUM_ROWS | TOTAL_ROW_CNT
---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------ | ----------- | ---------- | -------------
XXXX.OPN_HIS                             | P_MAX                          |         100 |   63308846 |      63309145
XXXX.OPN_HIS                             | P_2012_09                      |           0 |          2 |      63309145 
XXXX.OPN_HIS                             | P_2012_10                      |           0 |        297 |      63309145
XXXX.OPN_HIS                             | P_2012_08                      | <NULL>      | <NULL>     |      63309145

disk latency from ash by time

disk latency from ash by time published on 1 комментарий к записи disk latency from ash by time

some queryes to measure disk io

 select 100*(round ( count (*)/sum(count(*)) over(),2 )) as pct ,nvl(wait_class,'CPU') wait_class from v$active_session_history group by wait_class order by 1 desc;
 select 100*(round ( count (*)/sum(count(*)) over(),2 )) as pct ,nvl(event,'CPU') event from v$active_session_history where wait_class like '%I/O%' group by event order by 1 desc; 

generate pivot list

 select listagg( ''''||event||'''',',') within group (order by event )from v$active_session_history where wait_class like '%I/O%' group by event ;

or top wait pivot list:

with disk_events as  (
  select 100*(round ( count (*)/sum(count(*)) over(),2 )) as pct ,nvl(event,'CPU') event from v$active_session_history where wait_class like '%I/O%' group by event )
 select listagg( ''''||event||'''',',') within group (order by event )from disk_events where pct >5 ;

query and result

new:select * from
(select event,case when est_waits >0  
      then  round (est_dbtime_ms / est_waits,1)
                else null
  as est_avg_latency_ms,
from ( 
      select event,
                    case when time_waited >0 
                    then greatest(1,1000000/time_waited) 
                            else 0 end )
            ) as est_waits,
      sum(1000) as est_dbtime_ms ,
 TRUNC( ash.SAMPLE_TIME, 'MI') - mod( EXTRACT(minute FROM  ash.SAMPLE_TIME), 5) /(24 * 60) time#
from v$active_session_history ash 
  where ash.wait_class ='User I/O' 
      group by TRUNC(SAMPLE_TIME, 'MI') - mod( EXTRACT(minute FROM SAMPLE_TIME), 5) /(24 * 60) ,event 
      )    )
 pivot ( sum(est_avg_latency_ms) for event in (
 'db file scattered read','db file sequential read','log file parallel write')
 ) order by time#

TIME#               |                'db file scattered read' |               'db file sequential read' |               'log file parallel write'
------------------- | --------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------
10.08.2015 14.10.00 |                                     2,2 |                                      ,3 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 14.15.00 |                                     2,4 |                                      ,2 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 14.20.00 |                                     1,7 |                                      ,3 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 14.25.00 |                                     1,3 |                                      ,3 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 14.30.00 |                                     3,5 |                                      ,2 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 14.35.00 |                                     1,8 |                                      ,3 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 14.40.00 |                                     1,1 |                                      ,3 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 14.45.00 |                                     2,6 |                                      ,2 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 14.50.00 |                                     1,5 |                                      ,3 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 14.55.00 |                                     1,2 |                                      ,3 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 15.00.00 |                                     2,6 |                                      ,2 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 15.05.00 |                                     1,3 |                                      ,4 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 15.10.00 |                                     1,6 |                                      ,3 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 15.15.00 |                                       3 |                                      ,2 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 15.20.00 |                                     1,4 |                                      ,3 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 15.25.00 |                                     1,6 |                                      ,3 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 15.30.00 |                                     3,1 |                                      ,2 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 15.35.00 |                                     1,8 |                                      ,4 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 15.40.00 |                                     1,2 |                                      ,3 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 15.45.00 |                                     2,5 |                                      ,2 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 15.50.00 |                                     1,6 |                                      ,3 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 15.55.00 |                                     1,4 |                                      ,3 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 16.00.00 |                                     4,8 |                                      ,2 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 16.05.00 |                                     1,8 |                                      ,4 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 16.10.00 |                                     1,2 |                                      ,4 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 16.15.00 |                                       3 |                                      ,2 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 16.20.00 |                                     1,3 |                                      ,3 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 16.25.00 |                                     1,1 |                                      ,3 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 16.30.00 |                                     3,1 |                                      ,2 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 16.35.00 |                                     1,6 |                                      ,3 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 16.40.00 |                                     1,6 |                                      ,3 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 16.45.00 |                                     2,9 |                                      ,2 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 16.50.00 |                                     1,6 |                                      ,3 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 16.55.00 |                                     1,3 |                                      ,2 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 17.00.00 |                                     2,2 |                                      ,2 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 17.05.00 |                                     1,5 |                                      ,4 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 17.10.00 |                                     1,7 |                                      ,3 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 17.15.00 |                                       3 |                                      ,2 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 17.20.00 |                                     1,8 |                                      ,3 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 17.25.00 |                                     1,3 |                                      ,3 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 17.30.00 |                                     3,3 |                                      ,3 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 17.35.00 |                                     1,6 |                                      ,3 |                                  <NULL>
10.08.2015 17.40.00 |                                      ,7 |                                      ,3 |                                  <NULL>

this output can be used to build graphs:

Снимок экрана 2015-08-10 в 17.38.43

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